Keeping It Real

Keeping it Real: Journal Entry #2


We’re almost five months into our six-month trip, and we can’t believe how the time has flown.

We took some time away from blog posts to really live in the moment and soak up every second on the road since it’s not going to last forever. Plus, planning takes up a lot of our time. Even with all of the great tools out there to help with trip planning, booking hotels, looking up route options, and researching the best activities and restaurants in each new place consumes a lot of our time. Something had to give, so we took a step back from writing articles to focus on Gram’ing and planning for the last few months.

In that time, we drove the east and south coasts of Australia, road tripped around what feels like the entire country of New Zealand, stopped over in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for whirlwind layovers, explored Bali and relaxed on its beautiful surrounding islands, and are currently making our way through Vietnam.

We’ve seen the most unbelievable landscapes, chased gorgeous sunsets, ate a lot of food, reunited with old friends, met the friendliest locals and stayed in some luxurious accommodations. Let’s keep it real though, with all of that glamour came long flights, food poisoning, anxiety, leeches, speeding tickets, a lost drone and sketchy WiFi. But all of those experiences come with the territory of long-term travel and we still wouldn’t trade it for anything. In the end, all of the challenges we’ve faced have forced us to become better travellers and will make for some awesome stories to tell once we’re back.

Speaking of being back, we can’t believe we’ve already reached the point of our journey where we are starting to see the finish line. Every single day has been so full of new experiences, whether it be with food, exploring, or meeting new people, that we haven’t had much chance to miss the comforts of home. Now that we’re getting closer to the end of the trip though, we’re letting ourselves think more about what we’re excited to see and do as soon as we get back.

We’ve started to talk about the small comforts of home that we miss the most (other than friends and family of course), and – to the surprise of no one who knows us – it’s mostly food related. We have a running list of all the things we want to eat when we get home – our favourite vegan pasta, sushi from our neighbourhood haunt, poutine, a big hearty salad, and a five guys burger, just to name a few. It’s going to be a marathon food tour and we’re pretty pumped. Other than food, we’re excited for our own bed; something that resembles a daily exercise routine; tap water we can brush our teeth with; and more clothing choices (I cannot WAIT to ditch these clothes and feel more fashionable again).

For now, though, we still have one month of exploring to go and we’re going to focus on that (also because we’re in denial and are just going to pretend that the end isn’t near). We plan on eating all of the local food we can eat, and visiting all of the sights we can see, while still trying to maintain a good balance of relaxing, working and adventuring.

We’re looking forward to sharing more details about all of our experiences soon, so watch this space. Plus, you can follow us on Instagram @dtouradventures to see our daily adventures.